Beautiful Scars - Tom Wilson
— feeling dribble

A coworker lent me this book for two reasons. I read a lot of memoirs, and this guy is a Hamiltonian like us. We see him around the city, the studio he frequents is downtown where I live, so it was cool to learn more about him.
However, I liked him more before I read his story.
So he has a crazy life story, from his birth story to his life as a musician. I just found him to be more arrogant and stuck up which I didn't previously think he was. I liked this cloudy version of a celebrity that I had with knowing so little about him. I just knew the guy that said hi as you passed the studio, not the person inside this book.
It didn't help when he told us about his parents, and his mom was racist. Being Native that hit me in a way I didn't want... you know it kind of put me off from wanting to connect to Tom and his story after that. I know he isn't racist, but just hearing how awful his mom could be made it tough to digest. Like he is Native and she didn't want him to know that. That's messed up!
There were things I really loved about his story though. His feelings on being a dad and how he is there for his kids no matter what. Plus this guy was a huge addict and is sober now. That is always something to respect and applaud.
Sometimes it is better to just be a fan, and not know so much about a person though. Not every story will better than whatever you create in your head.