The Past And Other Things That Should Stay Buried - Shaun David Hutchinson
— feeling big smile

What an incredible story of friendship and love.
I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book. Not the biggest ghost story/zombie lover, but let me tell you how well this story was written. You know when you're younger, and you get a boyfriend or girlfriend and they become your world. Your friends always take a back seat, so-to-speak. It always happens, not purposely, but still. Now imagine if that friend of yours died suddenly. You'd be so stunned at how to deal, so many unsaid things.
Well, this story does that with an unusual twist.
That twist actually turned out to be good too! I devoured this book, 'cause I had to know what was going to happen. Would they get a resolution?
Every question was answered and it is now one of my favorites from this author!
On a side note, I had no idea I was reading a LGBTQ book during Pride month and that made me smile too! Love Is Love!