Tweak by Nic Sheff

What an emotional rollercoaster! Sadly, one I can relate to as well being a former drug user and addict. This book takes you to all of the emotions you felt when you were a user and running from your own life and self. It was often hard to read. It was too raw and real at times and I'd have to put it aside for a bit. I still had to get through it though and pray that Nic got to his light at the end of the tunnel, so-to-speak. This is an incredible memoir! I hope Nic's life and experiences can help someone else. Addicts feel like no one understands, when surprisingly there is usually someone who does. It's just finding that someone that can help you see your own destrictuve self from their experiences. That's how some of us addicts can heal. Seeing your true self can be so hurtful, that's why you can't do it alone. Everybody needs somebody sometimes, man that line is so true! I am now going to watch the film adaption, Beautiful Boy. It stars Steve Carrell and Timothy Chalomet. It's gonna be a ride, and emotional one, but I look forward to it.